



Lazada Study 2021: Talent Development for Indonesia's Digital Economy

By 2030, Indonesia has the potential to get a demographic bonus, where 64% of indonesia's total population is in the productive age range. Without the improvement of quality and talent development, the demographic bonus is vulnerable to backfire. To ensure the potential of Indonesia's demographic bonus can be utilized properly in line with the needs of the digital economy industry, Lazada held a study with the theme of Talent Development for Indonesia's Digital Economy. The study found that most indonesian talents fall into the category of not ready to face the changes that occur in the digital economy era. It is the duty of all parties to collaborate and use the time available to prepare Indonesia's productive human resources to be better prepared to compete in the digital era.

The results of the Lazada study were delivered on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 online. The Chairman of idEA, Bima Laga, was present on the occasion to respond to the results of the study presented. Bima expressed idEA's readiness to take part in efforts to collaborate in educating and socializing anything related to digital expertise for Indonesian millennials today and of course in the future. Most recently, idEA will also hold idEA Works, a job-fair aimed at capturing Indonesia's digital talent, especially from work-ready vocational. Through this program, idEA introduces young talent what job opportunities exist and are needed by the E-Commerce Industry today. Thus, their college choices are more targeted and in accordance with the needs of the industry. idEA believes that the development of digital talent is a joint task of industry, education sector, government and private sector.